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Grades 6-8

Dress Code

It is important for students to follow the dress code. Therefore, a mandatory uniform policy has been established at Air Base K-8 Center.  


School uniforms are required at Air Base K-8. For Upper Academy students tops may be royal blue or gray with the school logo. ALL students may wear black or khaki bottoms. Please note that all pants and shorts MUST have pockets and a zipper (NO leggings, sweat pants, joggers, etc.). Black jeans are allowed (NO ripped jeans).  Students are required to wear their Student ID's that will be provided by the school at the opening of schools in August.  


We highly recommend you purchase a Special Events Shirt. This white button-down, long sleeve oxford shirt with our logo should be worn when attending a special event at the school or a field trip which may require proper and/or professional attire. 


The uniform should be neat, clean and worn the way it was designed. For the health and safety of all students, shoes and socks are required. Shoes must be appropriate for use during Physical Education classes. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.  Students who wear inappropriate attire to school will be asked to call home and request appropriate clothing from parents.  

Parent/Teacher Conferences

The purpose of parent and teacher conferences is to enhance the relationship between school and home. This attitude promotes a healthier environment for all to learn.


Parents should contact the classroom teacher regarding any problems before contacting other school personnel. If a parent is not satisfied with the results of the conference, communicate with the Counselor, Assistant Principal or Principal, who will work with all parties involved to seek resolution of the problem. Under no circumstances should parents interfere with the instructional program by attempting unscheduled conferences with the teacher.


The following guidelines should be observed:

  • Conferences should be arranged only by appointment at the request of the parent/guardian, teacher, or principal.

  • No conferences are permitted during the teacher’s instructional time.

  • An appointment with the teacher should be made by e-mail, writing a note, or making a phone call to the teacher involved.

  • Teachers have the obligation to contact parents within 48 hours.


Parents/Guardians of all M-DCPS students have access to the Parent Portal via The Parent Portal provides student information, grades, attendance, transportation, etc. To access the portal, a parent user account must first be established. Parents must visit the Main Office in person to get the PIN needed for initial account set-up. For a guide to creating a portal, please visit: 

Parent Portal

Be a School Volunteer/Chaperone

Parents/Guardians who would like to be a school volunteer/chaperone must register.  Parents may visit the following link to register: All parents/guardians must be approved by M-DCPS in order to participate in any school event/field trip.  


There are two levels of volunteers/chaperones.  Level 1 volunteers/chaperones may attend day field trips or assist in a classroom for an event.  Background clearance may take 3-5 days. Please plan accordingly.


Level 2 requires fingerprinting.  Parents who wish to attend an overnight field trip must be fingerprinted by M-DCPS ONLY.  Parents must register and request a Level 2 clearance then contact the Magnet office for the Fingerprint Waiver.  Once these steps are completed, parents may then make an appointment by calling the telephone number listed on the waiver.  This process may take 5-10 days.  Please plan accordingly.


The final step for approval to volunteer/chaperone at Air Base K-8 Center requires the parent stop by the Magnet office for clearance and a badge that must be worn while on campus or on a field trip.  

Home of the Falcons
Air Base K-8 Center

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