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Welcome to the Parent's Corner


You may send your child's note to

The only excused absences are illness, doctor’s or dentist’s appointment, death in the family, religious holidays or school related activities.

Absences from class for reasons other than those named above are considered unexcused and work cannot be made up. ï‚·

Every absence should be followed by a note from the parent or doctor explaining the nature of the absence. If the illness is highly contagious, please notify school staff. ï‚·

When a student is absent for two consecutive days, the school should be contacted by phone to explain the reason for the absence. ï‚·

Any student who accumulates ten (10) or more unexcused absences in a given grading period may be subject to the withholding of grades, pending an Attendance Review Committee Conference to review all absences. This may affect promotion to the next grade. ï‚· Your child’s ten or more unexcused absences and/or tardies may lead to placement on Probation. 

Instructional Materials
Parents may view lists of library and textbook materials available to students at our school.  



Parents may request public school transportation through our webpage.  The link is located on the main page.  If a student is eligible for transportation (this is determined by our boundaries), he/she will be assigned.  This may take up to 10 days.  Parents must plan accordingly for their children. 

If you have any questions regarding your child's bus (i.e. late bus) you may check the Bus Tracker. This may be found on your parent/child's portal or through the MDCPS app. 

Before or after school hours you may also contact dispatch at the Department of Transportation at 305-248-3380.  


Be a School Volunteer/Chaperone

Parents/Guardians who would like to be a school volunteer/chaperone must register.  Parents may visit the following link to register: All parents/guardians must be approved by M-DCPS in order to participate in any school event/field trip.  


There are two levels of volunteers/chaperones.  Level 1 volunteers/chaperones may attend day field trips or assist in a classroom for an event.  Background clearance may take 3-5 days. Please plan accordingly.


Level 2 requires fingerprinting.  Parents who wish to attend an overnight field trip must be fingerprinted by M-DCPS ONLY.  Parents must register and request a Level 2 clearance then contact the Magnet office for the Fingerprint Waiver.  Once these steps are completed, parents may then make an appointment by calling the telephone number listed on the waiver.  This process may take 5-10 days.  Please plan accordingly.


The final step for approval to volunteer/chaperone at Air Base K-8 Center requires the parent stop by the Magnet office for clearance and a badge that must be worn while volunteering on campus or on a field trip.  

The Parent Portal 

Parent Portal Registration

Parent Portal Registration Instructions - English

Parent Portal Log in

Navigating the Parent Portal 

Navigating the Parent Portal - English

Parents must register through FOCUS on the parent portal. 

Making payments through Online School Payments (OSP)

Parents may pay online for school fees, field trips, memory book, library fees, etc. through Miami-Dade County Public Schools Online School Payments (OSP).   OSP can be located through the parent portal under the Apps/Services/Sites tab.  

Please see the flyer for further instructions.  



The Magnet Program Guide and District Parent/Student Handbook are available for parents.  These provide information for parents and are available below.  

Project UP START

Project UP-START is the Education Program for Children and Youth Living in Transition in Miami-Dade. The program assists schools with the identification, enrollment, and attendance of students in transition to help ensure their successful academic achievement.


Project UP-START services are available to students enrolled in Miami-Dade County Public Schools from Head Start through 12th grade who are experiencing unstable housing. Any student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, as defined by the Stewart B. McKinney-Bruce Vento Homeless Assistance Act, qualifies for Project UP-START.


A student who is residing in the following circumstances qualifies for Project UP-START:

·       Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason, also known as “doubled-up;”

·       Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;

·       Living in emergency or transitional shelters; or
·       Living in a car, park, public space, abandoned building, substandard housing, train station, or other public or private place that is            not designed for ordinary use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.


If your family is experiencing unstable housing conditions based on any of the categories above, please complete the Project UP-START Student Eligibility Questionnaire (FM-7378) below and electronically submit it to the Project UP-START Program or provide the completed form to your child’s school:!/fullWidth/2140


Upon enrollment into the Project UP-START Program, students will automatically receive free lunch. Students can apply for transportation through Project UP-START if they live over two (2) miles from their School of Origin, the school the student was attending when he/she had stable housing. Efforts are made to expedite psycho-educational evaluations for children who may be gifted or who are experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties. Project UP-START also works to increase advocacy on behalf of students through the distribution of information to school-based personnel on issues related to unstable housing and available community resources.

For questions regarding Project UP-START, please call us at: 305 995-7558; 305 995-7318; or 305 995- 1729. You may also send us an email to


For emergency shelter, please immediately contact the Homeless Helpline at 877 994-4357.


For additional information, please access the Project UP-START’s Website at:

with the M-DCPS Mobile App


Parents now have the option to complete an online form to identify titles that their child may or may not check out from the library or from the classroom library. The online form provides parents the following choices related to library reading materials: unlimited access, limited access, no access. 

Home of the Falcons
Air Base K-8 Center

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